Archives par étiquette : terry gifford

“October Montpellier Morning” by Terry Gifford (International Workshop “Modernism and Matter”, 13-14 October 2022)


October Montpellier Morning

On the bandstand backed by textured bushes

the musicians are setting up, languidly,

beside the long, wide avenue of plane trees

turning their greens to gold against the blue.


Silver instrument cases are carried to the small

white van. The double bass is erect with promise

in its gleaming, rich, resonant brown.

The fiddle player arrives, dressed all in black


like the slight, curved case she cradles.

Leads are laid with care across the stage.

Leaves have started to fall.

The lead guitarist cannot wait, sends a slow


bending riff to the bright balloons announcing

the charity stall, hopeful, under its blue shade.

Soon the bench-sleeper will stir

under his grubby table cloth and drink


from the bottle waiting beside him that

was half-empty, but will become half-full.

The drummer has joined, surprisingly softly.

Saturday morning in Montpellier is warming


and unheard, as yet, unseen salt water

is already rising, ballooning uncharitably,

a riff on creeping, sleepy centimetres, to

lap at the lower town, mounting Montpellier.

Terry Gifford, October 2022.




Séminaire “Introduction to Ecocriticism : The Social Construction of Nature”, Terry Gifford

Mercredi 12 octobre 2022 de 17h à 19 h30 – Salle des Caryatides

Terry GIFFORD, Visiting Research Fellow at the Research Centre for Environmental Humanities, Bath Spa University (UK) and Professor Honorifico at the Universidad de Alicante (Spain)

If the environmental crisis is a cultural crisis, how has what has been embedded in our language led to the Anthropocene? Ecocriticism attempts to deconstruct some answers. This seminar, led by a co-founder of British ecocriticism, first means to give an introduction to ecocriticism and its origins before turning to more recent developments.

This introduction to ecocriticism begins by considering what is implied by the language of a poem, ‘Bob’s Lane’, by Edward Thomas (1878-1917), a war poet known for his pastoral poetry, and one by post-war poet Philip Larkin (1922-1985). Words like ‘nature’ and ‘pastoral’, will be examined and the social construction of nature debated.

The seminar will then chart developments in pastoral theory and the evolution of ecocriticism, from phase one to phase three, in the US and the UK; its French iterations will also be included.

Terry Gifford is currently Visiting Research Fellow at Bath Spa University’s Research Centre for Environmental Humanities and Professor Honorifico at the University of Alicante, Spain.
He is author of 

  • Green Voices: Understanding Contemporary Nature Poetry (Manchester U. P. , 1995,
    2 nd ed. 2011),
  • Pastoral (Routledge 1999, updated ed. 2019;,
  • Reconnecting with John Muir: Essays in Post-Pastoral Practice (U. of Georgia Press,
    He has written or edited seven books on Ted Hughes, most recently Ted Hughes in
    (2018), and published ecofeminist essays on D. H. Lawrence. D. H. Lawrence, Ecofeminism and Nature (Routledge, 2022) is forthcoming.