Mardi 10 octobre 2023, 18h, Salle 126 Site Saint-Charles 1. Séance animée par Lily Robert-Foley (MCF, EMMA).
This talk contextualizes the hybrid text of Helicography (Punctum Books, 2021) – part art-historical essay, part experimental fiction, part pataphysical investigation – by considering the practical and theoretical limits of digital libraries and their implications for scholarly and creative work in the age of the fibre-optics.
Craig Dworkin is the author of four scholarly monographs – Reading the Illegible (Northwestern), No Medium (MIT), Dictionary Poetics: Toward a Radical Lexicography (Fordham), and Radium of the Word: a Poetics of Materiality (Chicago) – as well as a half-dozen edited collections and a dozen books of experimental writing, including, most recently, The Pine-Woods Notebook (Kenning Editions) and Helicography (Punctum). He teaches literary history and theory at the University of Utah.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Marc Lenormand (9 octobre 2023). Séminaire EMMA / « Poetry Talks » : Craig Dworkin, « The Materiality of Infrastructure: On Virtual Libraries ». Études Montpelliéraines du Monde Anglophone. Consulté le 17 janvier 2025 à l’adresse