Archives par étiquette : pièces historiques

Séminaire “Medieval and Early Modern England on the Contemporary Stage : The Past is Back on Stage”

Mardi 22 février 2022 à 18h.

Séminaire organisé dans le cadre de l’axe « Faire commun » d’EMMA. Intervention de Marianne Drugeon.

The volume Medieval and Early Modern England on the Contemporary Stage : The Past is Back on Stage (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021) explores the multiple connections between contemporary British theatre and the medieval and early modern periods. Involving both French and British scholars, as well as playwrights, adapters and stage directors, its scope is political, as it assesses the power of adaptations and history plays to offer a new perspective not only on the past and present, but also on the future. Along the way, burning contemporary social and political issues are explored, such as the place and role of women and ethnic minorities in today’s post-Brexit Britain. The volume builds into a dialogue between the ghosts of the past and their contemporary spectators.

Starting with a focus on contemporary adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays, then concentrating on contemporary history plays set in the distant past, and ending with the contributions of famous playwrights sharing their experience, the book will be of interest to practitioners, as well as students and researchers in drama and performance studies.

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The speaker: Marianne Drugeon is a Senior Lecturer in English Studies at Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University, France. Her research focuses on politically-committed British playwriting from the 19th century to the present. She has published articles on David Edgar, Samuel Beckett and Tom Stoppard, among others, edited a collection of articles on Oscar Wilde, and co-authored Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest. She has also co-translated several plays, including Stoppard’s The Hard Problem and The Invention of Love, and, as a member of the Maison Antoine Vitez, a non-profit organisation dedicated to the translation of plays from all languages into French, she has co-translated political documentary plays. She is currently working on community plays, modern mystery plays and other experiments in amateur theatre.